Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sweet Dreams little ones

Last night it was too hot in the boys room which happens to be in the attic, so I had Jaron turn on their air up there and told them all to jump in our bed until it cooled off.  They asked if they could read, which they always do and I said yes.  About 15 minutes after I tucked them in and Lydia into her own bed, Lydia decided to join them.  This was the scene when we turned in for the night.  Buddy of course had to join them once Lydia did, there was no way in the world he would be left in her room or any room for that matter; alone!  We dispersed them back into each of their beds and went to bed as well.

1 comment:

gideonmommasita said...

Remember John Denver's song Grandma's Feather Bed? Beautiful headboard!