Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Today we got an invitation for a mommy & daughter 
morning with our friends Janeen & Lanae.  
We got to make and decorate Christmas cookies.  
We had such a great time.  Lydia especially loved 
the pink icing and the piano playing.  

Concert pianist

Sunday, November 30, 2008

What we woke up to this morning!

This is for all my non-northern family and friends.  The first snow hit last night and it is still snowing as I type.  It's not even December yet!!!!  

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stairway laced with toys

Yesterday I was cleaning the main floor of our home trying to get ready for Thanksgiving.  It will just be our family around the table, but there are few things as relaxing as a clean home on a holiday around the house with family...so I was placing all the boys things that need to go back to their room on the stairs.  This is a ritual of ours since we live on four stories of house.  We always place them on the stairs and we are all supposed to carry something up whenever we head up the stairs, unfortunately this rarely happens and I usually have to assign them to clean the stairs when I'm splitting up duties.  Anyway, I looked over at the stairs while I was sweeping and the song that Jenette loved as a teen hit me hard.  We all liked it growing up, but now the words pierce deeply.  I am so thankful for my husband and my kids.  They are my life.  My father is always telling me not to blink.  I try to remember, but sometimes forget.  I pray that this weekend of thanksgiving I take in every moment of our family just being.  I hope you do too.

There are watercolour ponies
On my refrigerator door
And the shape of something
I don't really recognize
Drawn by careful little fingers
And put proudly on display
A reminder to us all
Of how time flies

Seems like endless mound of laundry
And a stairway laced with toys
Gives a blow by blow
Reminder of the war
That we fight for their well-being
For their greater understanding
To impart a holy reverence
For the Lord

But, baby, what will we do
When it comes back to me and you?
They look a little less
Like little boys every day
Oh, the pleasure of watching
The children growing
Is mixed with a bitter cup
Of knowing the watercolour ponies
Will one day ride away

And the vision can get so narrow
As you view through your tiny world
And little victories can go by
With no applause
But in the greater evaluation
As they fly from your nest of love
May they mount up with wings
As eagles for His cause

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mercy, Mercy ME!

So last night I got an invitation to go to a BeBo Norman/Mercy Me concert with some great friends from church. We ate at Panera before the show and all sat together and enjoyed the concert. I found that I kept giggling to myself throughout the concert because I didn't stand up once and neither did anyone else for that matter until the final song. I kept thinking, I need to get up and do something, but I didn't do anything. This is sharp contrast to the Toby Mac concert I went to several months back...where I stood for the entire concert except one song and thought then....I'm getting to old for this. So where does that leave me?

My spirit was willing, but my flesh was weak. What else in my life parallels this silliness? This is a question I'm sure to ponder over the next several weeks, I just wonder if I'll be standing or sitting as I sort it all out.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

How often do you second guess yourself?

Do you remember what it was like being a teenager and thinking you've got the world pretty much figured out? Those days seem like lifetimes ago...as I age I found that I second guess myself a lot.

It's not like I'm making many life altering decisions, but the little ones seem to take more courage and thought than they use to. Does that mean I'm more mature in my thinking process or am I more apprehensive than ever before. Maybe a little of both?

Today I had to get Ethan vaccinated with his second MMR shot, we thought we'd done it last year when he started at Galesburg Christian, but hadn't. I had to tell Ethan as we pulled into the doctor's office parking lot that he was indeed there for a shot. The last 24 hours I have been pondering him getting the immunization. It's such a standard shot, but that 1 in a million still stands out to me. A little boy two houses down from where we lived in Jacksonville was one of those 1 in a million. Needless to say, every time any of the kids has had to get their shots, I go through the whole thing of second guessing it all.

On a less mental note, I have never gotten my hair colored before and second guessed myself right into the salon chair. I did it and now I keep looking in the mirror and wondering, did I make the right choice? Thank goodness it wasn't a heaven or hell decision, but still if I had the chance to relive it, would I have made the same choice?

Do you ever second guess? What about? Love to hear your input.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Time Flies

I know I say this every year (except for the year I waited to turn 16, so I could drive)... it just seems like this year has flown by so fast.

We have had a whirlwind of wonderful things in 2008, I just can't believe were almost to the middle of November. It seems like as soon as November 1st comes, you blink and you're into a new year. I was filling in our calendar for the rest of the year and we have something every single weekend.

My prayer for you and I is that we don't let time slip away from us. What do you do to shut out the noise? What do you do to stop time? How do you brand moments on your heart and the hearts of your loved one's so that they will last a life time? I'd love to hear about them.

We are planning to have a family night packed with lots of fun and remembrance. We are going to take down the family calendar and go through each month and talk about the neat things that God has allowed us to experience this year. Definitely not like its as monumental as crossing the Red Sea, but we have stones of our own to help our children remember what Christ has done in our lives. I don't know if this year has been difficult or pretty easy for you, but God is good all the time. I hope you find the time to reflect on His goodness and remember His grace.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fun Fall Night

Our friends, Dave and Reva; from church invited us to come to their home to experience one of their fall family traditions. They would gather all the fallen leaves and make a huge pile...then they would hide candy in it. Their son and the teens of the church would come over and dive into it to find all the candy. Dave had been working in their yard and they decided it would be fun for our kids to come over and hunt for candy. After a phone call and invitation, I told the kids what we were going to do and the questions began...How big is the pile going to be? How will we know if we found it all? Jaron, don't you think that will be fun?

All four of them had a blast. We were so appreciative to Dave and Reva for thinking of us. We all laughed and giggled and laughed and giggled. They cleaned out the little playhouse and rearranged the furniture. It was a new experience and a memory that will last a lifetime. Thanks guys!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lydia and the Tu-tu from Auntie Crystal

Lydia got a package in the mail today from wonderful Auntie Crystal. She sent her a "Pink" Tu-tu. Lydia automatic de-clothed herself and jumped into the tu-tu and hasn't taken it off yet. She said Ballerina hair! So I pulled her hair back.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall is in the air

Well it is very evident that fall is here. The leaves are falling and I might add in a spectacular array of autumn colors, magnificent I must say. It is also very very cool, the high being 45 today with blustery winds. Emily asked if anyone had fall decorations out, so I thought I would give you a glimpse of some around our house. They are not anything special, but it is amazing how cozy it makes you feel.
1. Front Porch
2,3,4 Foyer area

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mosaic Fun

1.  What is your first name? (Tavia)
2.  What is your favorite food? (Spinach Pie)
3.  What high school did you attend? (Sandalwood Jr. & Sr. High)
4.  What is your favorite color? (Lime Green)
5.  Actor you like? (Matthew Fox, liked him since Party of Five)
6.  Favorite Drink? (Hot Chocolate)
7.  Dream Vacation? (Greece)
8.  Favorite dessert? (Cheesecake)
9.  What do you want to be when you grow up? (photographer)
10. What do you love most in life? (My family)
11.  One word to describe you? (Crafty)
12. Your flickr name? (mommy)

Each block of the mosiac is the picture answer to my question found on Flickr search.  Jenette suggested doing this, so I tried it.  Lots of fun.  You should try.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Kids Annual Talent Night at the church

For the last three years all of our kids have participated in the annual Kids talent night at our church.  This year the boys decided they would all like to do something different so we tried to come up with things that each of them liked.  Jaron was going to do a monologue, but unfortunate for him his parents waited till the last minute to find him one.  So after playing around with Buddy (our dog) and showing the kids some of the tricks he can do, we thought a dog training show would be cute.  The initial plan was for Jaron to bring in Buddy and Lydia to perform different tricks and do some slap stick in between.  Well last night at rehearsal, Buddy was extremely uncooperative.  So we thought we would just have Lydia do it. 

We practice for about 40 minutes this afternoon on the stage in the sanctuary and Lydia did it every time, well then tonight as soon as she discovered there was a crowd she changed her mind.  Jaron was crushed.  He really wanted to do his act.  Evan came and whispered in my ear that he would do it so Jaron could go on stage.  It was a condensed version, but they got the job done.  I was proud of Evan for helping his brother out and for not caring to wear part of Lydia's pink costume. 

Evan did an arting (what he likes to call it) piece where he drew a picture while music was playing.  Evan practiced several times before his performance and I thought he did a great job.  He was under the pressure to complete his picture in about three minutes and he did it with ease and confidence.  I believe he is on his way to becoming a great little artist.

Ethan did a martial arts piece to "Eye of the Tiger".  He has been taking classes this fall and really loves it.  I thought it would be good for his self-confidence and I've been proven right.  He was great up there and everyone got a "kick" out of him.

They all concluded with a song, but I didn't want to over do it...hahaha.  I hope you enjoy the show as much as we did.

The artist hath much arting to do.

Dog Trainer

Ethan at church talent show

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friendship that goes the distance...

Eleven years ago Glen persuaded me to meet someone new at the church we attended at the time.  He said that he thought we would hit it off.  "I can see you guys being good friends."  I was hesitant just because it gets more difficult to make good friends as an adult.  But heeding his wisdom, I met her.  Little did I know that I would find a best girlfriend (soul sisters is what we like to call it) that day.  We hit it off immediately and haven't looked back since.  

You would think me moving 1100 miles away seven years ago would put a damper on our friendship, but it has blossomed deeply because we both go the distance.  We have been there for each other through some difficult and wonderful times.  We've held each other up through miscarriages and deaths of loved ones, and we've been there for each of our children coming into the world.  She has even come to visit just to throw me a "retirement party."  (If you want to know what I retired from, you'll have to ask.)  We've experienced the highs and lows that any friendship goes through, but have always grown together from whatever is going on in our lives.  

I believe what makes our friendship so special is that we continue to make the effort to stay connected, but it seems effortless.  We make each other a priority no matter what is going on in life.  She is a testament of Christ's unconditional love.  

She is headed this way in a couple of weeks to help me celebrate my birthday and our 11 years of friendship.

Ode to Melodie...

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. - Author Unknown

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out.  It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.  We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirt. - Albert Schweiter

A good friend is cheaper than therapy. - Authur Unknown

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. - Elisabeth Foley

A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails. - Donna Roberts

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art...It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival. - C.S. Lewis

The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never say a word, and walk away feeling that was the best conversation you've had. - Author Unknown

It is the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter. - Marlene Dietrich

A friend accepts us as we are yet helps us to be what we should. - Author Unknown

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

In my friend, I find a second self. - Isabel Norton

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.  Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same. - Flavia Weedn

It is my true belief that a bestfriend invented the masterbath. - Tavia Weatherly 

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Am I repeating myself?

Ok, so I'm hitting the other side of 30 in a matter of a couple of weeks (other side meaning 36) and 40 is looking closer than ever.  And I am wondering, do I repeat myself to much?  I am always telling my dad, "yeah, I heard this one already."  But staring someone completely in the face with my undivided attention I am starting to second guess myself...scary thought.  I begin my sentences with "I may have already told you this, but..." or end my conversation with "Did I already discuss this with you?"

I believe this has nothing to do with age, but with the fact that I have four children.  I know I repeat myself with them what seems like a thousand times.  Put that away when you are through with it.  Remember to put the seat down, flush the toilet and wash your hands.  Be quiet.  It's time for bed.  Stop talking and go to sleep.  Stop talking and go to sleep.  STOP TALKING AND GO TO SLEEP, Did I already discuss this with you?  I'm gonna stop blogging now and hopefully go repeat myself for the last time tonight.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's that time of year...

Every season since we moved here I have had to rotate my family's wardrobe.  This week has been unseasonably cool and so I have been digging into the plastic containers to find long-sleeved shirts. This is a sure sign that tank tops, sun dresses, shorts and bathing suits are on their way to the bottom of some dark container where they won't be seen for at least nine months.  

Even though this December we will be living here for seven years, I still find the concept of rotating clothes extremely foreign.  Growing up in sunny Florida, everyone owned a couple pairs of jeans and a couple sweatshirts and we kept them in our bottom chest of drawers where they might be worn a couple times a year.  It has become at least a two week ritual to expel one season's clothes as they go through the wash and to slowly add the next.  Of course, after I have switched everything over we will have an "Indian Summer" couple of days or a cold front pass through.  This means that there will be a couple pair of shorts tempting my children in mid-October to be worn. 

The other sad thing about living up in an area of the country where there is truly four seasons is the fact that I can't wear flip-flops all year round.  My feet love to be free.  They prefer to breath in comparison to being smothered by thick socks and unpleasant feet restraints (shoes).  I hold out as long as I can, but when my toes start to get hypo-thermia, I cave into wearing real shoes.  I have a friend that also finds this a dilemma and together we pay homage to our fond flip-flops about the same time each year.

So there is a feeling in the air....the ritual is nearing.  I always look forward to putting the winter away and pulling out the spring, but it is sorta sad putting the summer away for the fall. So I pray...Indian Summer days, please stay!!! 


Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Parade

The only parade I remember growing up as a kid was when I was in highschool and I marched with my piccolo over the Main Street Bridge for the opening of the Jacksonville Landing.  I guess being in a large metropolitan city there aren't many parades.  Glen on the other hand can recall several parades he dressed up as a clown in and marched to promote his father's hardware business.  I am almost positive it was all of his on initiative.  
Our small town (33,000 strong) has probably five parades a year.  We've gone to most of them (been in a few) and its become a family tradition.  The kids love it because a majority of the people in the parade throw candy and the kids get a kick out of picking it all up.  They almost always give out little American flags and the kids like to wave them around.  We almost always see someone we know and its fun to hoot and holler for them.  I know when our kids get older that like their dad, they will have lots of memories of our small town parades.

Friday, August 29, 2008

A Night at the Circus

Some friends of ours from church own the local Dairy Queens in town and received some free tickets to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus - They ever so kindly asked us if we would like them, and trying to never pass up quality family time, we accepted. 
Plus there are a few in my family that actually like clowns. 
(Maybe because they are clowns themselves)  

The kids had a great time.  

Here's a picture of them before they shot a man out of the cannon.  
I thought it was funny that they all covered their ears at the same time.  

And there is one of Lydia about half-way through, she had seen enough, 
so she made herself comfortable (laying upside down in the chair).  

The kids brought their paper route money and bought their own souvenirs. 
(They actually picked the three least expensive ones.)

We had a wonderful time.  Thank you 
Fran and Linda, we appreciate you thinking of us.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008