Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall is in the air

Well it is very evident that fall is here. The leaves are falling and I might add in a spectacular array of autumn colors, magnificent I must say. It is also very very cool, the high being 45 today with blustery winds. Emily asked if anyone had fall decorations out, so I thought I would give you a glimpse of some around our house. They are not anything special, but it is amazing how cozy it makes you feel.
1. Front Porch
2,3,4 Foyer area


Gigi said...

Very nice. Love the black on your blog site.

SenoraSabrosita said...

It feels more like winter and we're in Georgia with 45 degree weather. We were suppose to visit a friend of mine who owns horses, but it's so windy and cold I couldn't chance taking the baby out in this weather. I think if it stays cold like this for long, I'm going to have cabin fever! I don't think my kids are getting enough Vitamin D - exposure to the sun!