Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Story

This year at church we have a segment in our service called "My Story" and every week someone will share their personal testimony of their relationship with Christ. The pastors and their wives are going first and today is my turn.

I have been faced most recently with several opportunities to stand before people to share about my life and have struggled with the decision to do so because I've just personally been going through one of those valleys in life. I'm being challenged by God in different areas that have been painful and difficult. I knew I could get up and talk about how good God is because that definitely hasn't changed for me, but I knew I couldn't fake my way into portraying the spiritual giant I wish I was.

I realized in my prayers and petitions to God that it was OK, He loves me despite my reluctance and even my stubbornness at times. I'm really understanding the journey and process more. I have even found a lot of encouragement in reliving my own story and seeing how Christ has defined himself in my life over and over again. I've been reminded again that when I put my focus on Him instead of myself or my dilemmas He has a way of changing my circumstances or changing me in my circumstances. So even in times when I feel far from Him, I see that He is always close to me. God is good all the time.

I just want to say to all my dear friends, thanks for being apart of my story and ultimately His story.

My name is Tavia Weatherly and this is (part of) my story.


gideonmommasita said...

That's it, you're leaving us hanging? Aren't you going to share the "rest" of the story? I love you Woman, sorry you're in a Valley...I think that has been my home for so long that I can't even believe there are mountains. Craziness, just call me Susanah Wesley as I pull my apron over my head and say a prayer for us.
God is good.

Brooke said...

Thank you for the reminder that no matter how far we feel, God really is still right next to us. I needed that reminder as things have been tough and I feel so far. I hope you are doing well. You will be in my prayers.

Brooke = )