Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stairway laced with toys

Yesterday I was cleaning the main floor of our home trying to get ready for Thanksgiving.  It will just be our family around the table, but there are few things as relaxing as a clean home on a holiday around the house with family...so I was placing all the boys things that need to go back to their room on the stairs.  This is a ritual of ours since we live on four stories of house.  We always place them on the stairs and we are all supposed to carry something up whenever we head up the stairs, unfortunately this rarely happens and I usually have to assign them to clean the stairs when I'm splitting up duties.  Anyway, I looked over at the stairs while I was sweeping and the song that Jenette loved as a teen hit me hard.  We all liked it growing up, but now the words pierce deeply.  I am so thankful for my husband and my kids.  They are my life.  My father is always telling me not to blink.  I try to remember, but sometimes forget.  I pray that this weekend of thanksgiving I take in every moment of our family just being.  I hope you do too.

There are watercolour ponies
On my refrigerator door
And the shape of something
I don't really recognize
Drawn by careful little fingers
And put proudly on display
A reminder to us all
Of how time flies

Seems like endless mound of laundry
And a stairway laced with toys
Gives a blow by blow
Reminder of the war
That we fight for their well-being
For their greater understanding
To impart a holy reverence
For the Lord

But, baby, what will we do
When it comes back to me and you?
They look a little less
Like little boys every day
Oh, the pleasure of watching
The children growing
Is mixed with a bitter cup
Of knowing the watercolour ponies
Will one day ride away

And the vision can get so narrow
As you view through your tiny world
And little victories can go by
With no applause
But in the greater evaluation
As they fly from your nest of love
May they mount up with wings
As eagles for His cause


gideonmommasita said...

I love the picture, your words, the lyrics...just wish it didn't make me motherly sad. Rejoice in all the good things the Lord has given you. Deut 26:11

Gloria said...

I remember the stairs at my parent's house. My bedroom was upstairs in my later teen years and things would collect for me to take up. That is one of the reasons that I didn't want a house with the bedrooms upstairs! We have a 2nd floor bonus room but since we don't use it regularly, the stairs stay storage free.