Thursday, September 18, 2008

Am I repeating myself?

Ok, so I'm hitting the other side of 30 in a matter of a couple of weeks (other side meaning 36) and 40 is looking closer than ever.  And I am wondering, do I repeat myself to much?  I am always telling my dad, "yeah, I heard this one already."  But staring someone completely in the face with my undivided attention I am starting to second guess myself...scary thought.  I begin my sentences with "I may have already told you this, but..." or end my conversation with "Did I already discuss this with you?"

I believe this has nothing to do with age, but with the fact that I have four children.  I know I repeat myself with them what seems like a thousand times.  Put that away when you are through with it.  Remember to put the seat down, flush the toilet and wash your hands.  Be quiet.  It's time for bed.  Stop talking and go to sleep.  Stop talking and go to sleep.  STOP TALKING AND GO TO SLEEP, Did I already discuss this with you?  I'm gonna stop blogging now and hopefully go repeat myself for the last time tonight.


Gloria said...

I freaked myself out the other day when I realized that I was repeating myself. My mom will say things over again and I think to myself - "you told me this already"...but the other day I was telling a coworker a story and I said it twice! I thought - "oh no."

gideonmommasita said...

Sometimes I try to figure out how to say something in my head so it will come out right but then never say it and then Josh and I have a conversation where I say I told him and he says I didn't. That is a whole 'nother scary growing old story.

Tavia said...

I do that to Glen a lot too. I promise him I told him something and promises I didn't. I guess I gave it a lot of thought before the words left my mouth and then I think I said it.

Gigi said...

I am constantly repeating myself. I just don't remember what I said to who, so, then I think I hadn't said anything to anyone AND then Victor tells me I didn't say anything I thought I had told him. Does that make any sense. I just feel like I'm losing my mind most of the time AND especially with the kids! I know I am constantly repeating myself with them!