This years theme was MISSION POSSIBLE. We emphasized the fact that God has a mission for each of them and it is possible to accomplish with Christ in the center of your life. The campers or secret agents were challenged to:
Outdream - "For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord. "They are plans for your good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope". Jeremiah 29:11)
Outlead - Don't lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your good example. 1 Peter 5:3
Outshine - In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16
We had a fantastic time and Christ was ever present in each testimony and sharing time. There was a flood of teens that came to the alter to accept the mission God has for them.
We are completely exhausted now and it will take a few days to get things back to normal. But I am already excited to see what will be in store for next year.
Love the picture of you and Glen with the kids on the ATV! What a blessing to do this with your kids at your side.
Looks like an amazing feat of organizing, planning and praying!
Outdream, outlead, outshine...pretty cool.
Thanks for supporting the youth in your community. I found your site from a Google auto search that I have emailed to me when anyone post about Matthew 5:16. We are a Christian Rock Band from Mid Missouri. Our name is Mission 5:16 is based of of the verse Matthew 5:16.
It is so great to see how God is using you and your husband to help shape and shepherd the lives of these kids. In a world where there is so much temptation, what a blessing for them to have these opportunities available for them. May God continue to bless your ministry for the work of His kingdom!
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