It also brought back a lot of memories of how growing up we weren't afraid of sharing our faith (hopefully that still holds true) with our friends. It seems like we were always bringing another one of our friends into our church family. Some remained on the outskirts, but a lot of them really became apart of our spiritual experience. I am continually grateful for our group and the growing up we did together.
So wherever you are today Jenny, I know you must be one happy girl to know that the boys are back in town.
I was a closet NKOTB fan. I think I even had the album. I think however, Peggy had the bed sheets!
You guys are crackin me up!
I wish Jenny had a blog! What a laugh she would probably get reading your blog entry. I remember my sister gave me concert tickets one year for Christmas and I took your sister! I remember Crystal being such a fan and asked her if she wanted to go with me....I wonder if she remembers that. I honestly don't remember much about the concert itself, I just remember that I went. that a sign of old age that I can't remember?
NKOTB were on NBC this morning, it was so funny to see all those ladies crying over them like they were 13.
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