The first year we lived in Illinois a friend at church invited me to a conference called "Hearts at Home". My motivation in going was more to get to know the women that went that weekend, but came home a renewed mother and wife. When I haven't had a newborn, I have tried to make it a priority each year and have tremendously enjoyed the fellowship and encouragement I receive about being a stay-at-home mom. The attendance is over 3000+ mothers. Some moms work outside the home that attend, but we all have hearts that are at home. There are lots of seminars that are beneficial like "Keep your ducks in a relative row" or "Nuturing your child's spirit". Then there are funny sounding ones like "Peanut Butter Motherhood" and "Chocolate kisses for couples" (I'm gonna end up a Reeses Butter Cup!). I always come away from the conference with a new sense of validation for the decision to stay in the home to take care of my family. I also enjoy the girl time with my friends and the laughter and banter that comes along with spending 24 hours with people you enjoy. So tomorrow we leave at 530 am, I'm not a morning person; but its definitely worth the lost hours of sleep.
Glen loves for me to go too, he says that he can tell it recharges me. He's right. There is something about the power of motherhood that resonates when all these women come together to say that God, their husbands and their children are their priorities. There are some very funny stories about being a mom and there are some very serious and often sad stories about being a mom. It's just very inspiring.
Sometimes being at home can be mundane and repetitive. You are always cleaning the same stuff and you don't always see the reward of your hard work. There are a lot of domestic aspects most moms would give up in a heartbeat. But then again you get paid with hugs and kisses and "peas" and "tank toos" and that is priceless. Every mom deserves a break and a recharge and this is one of mine. So can you tell I am really looking forward to the weekend. My whole family reaps the benefits of me having some time to feed my soul.
Go Girl, Go! God's promise to reward those who seek after him never fails, thank you for testifying Sister!
Hey Tav! I was very blessed to be able to go to Hearts at Home this year. It was just what I needed at the exact time I needed it. Praise the Lord! I am amazed at all the moms that come together. I learned so much and was so excited to come home and see how I could use it. I really needed the chocolate kisses class because as my husband says, I am the least romantic person he has ever met. I even meet new people to call or just hang out with. I am just so excited. I seen your name when I went to get my paper and stuff I wanted to call you, but I Timothy could not find your number. I hope you had a wonderful time.
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