Today was the big day. I was reluctant to be on the big screen, but the boys really wanted to be in it, so....Jaron, Evan, Lydia and I had our movie debut all day long. (Ethan stayed close to dad and helped him out.) We got to the airport at 9am and played the hurry up and wait game. We got to walk up and down the corridor acting like we were arriving home from a long trip. The boys were initially very excited and they finished strong. I was very impressed with how quiet they could be under pressure. (I should carry around a movie camera.) Lydia did great. She was quiet all the way up until the last two takes. She decided she wanted her shoes off, which had velcro. Opps! Then she decided before the last take to start singing. I quickly patted her mouth and said, "SHHHH". To my surprise it worked. A couple of hours later while we were on "Stand by" and soon-to-be mom came up to me and said she was totally impressed that I got my two year old to be quiet just by telling her to "SHHH". I laughed, "Yeah, I'm a supermom, didn't you know?" Then I went on to tell her that my secret was simply a wish and a prayer. But it did make me think about how much people observe you. Needless to say, the kids and I had a "good day" and we made on mark on film.
The biggest perk was that we got to be with Glen for most of the day and see him in action. I am routinely amazed by his hard work and dedication. But it was fun to see him at work, no matter what he does, it is evident that he is doing it for the Lord. He inspires me. I'm so glad to be his wife.
So our 15 minutes of fame was fun. Jaron said that he had fun, but he thinks he likes 'theater" better. As we were leaving, (at 5 pm by the way) Lydia said out of the blue, "thank you, mommy! I'm not sure why she said it, but it prompted the boys to say it as well. It was a day they'll never forget.
1 comment:
Thinking about you :)Chris and Melissa Willis from Gales 1st Naz
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