Small Surprises along the way...
Today Evan and Jaron rode along as we took Glen over to the production office. As we were approaching the building Evan said he saw a turtle.
"Yeah, sure...right." Jaron said. But Evan was addiment that he had. Sure enough as we pulled back onto the main road there he was a pretty large turtle on the side of the road. I just happened to have put my camera in my purse this morning so Evan and I jumped out and ran over and took his picture.
I tried to be the homeschool mom and come up with some scientific lesson to have with the kids, but since I'm a rookie nothing significant came to mind, so we just enjoyed him. Speaking of homeschool, yesterday was our first official day. I set out to accomplish a lot and for it to be this incredible experience. And although for the most part, the kids did very well, I found myself thinking several times, this is a lot of work and requires a lot of patience. I was feeling very appreciative to the boys teachers and thankful that they get to go to such a wonderful christian school. As our school day came to the end, Jaron turned to me and said, "thanks mom, this is fun." It melted my heart. What a great opportunity I have to spend this special time with my boys.
Tavia, Glad to see you're in Jacksonville! Congrads on all the new news! Laurel just started homeschooling, she might be a good source of encouragement to you. Have a great day. Jenette
Yeah Tavia! Turtle story is funny...I never have the homeschool facts when we see something, I'm doing good just to see the little things...taking the time to stop and watch the turtles is a very good thing in of itself.
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