Some friends of ours from church own the local Dairy Queens in town and received some free tickets to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus - They ever so kindly asked us if we would like them, and trying to never pass up quality family time, we accepted.
Plus there are a few in my family that actually like clowns.
(Maybe because they are clowns themselves)
The kids had a great time.
Here's a picture of them before they shot a man out of the cannon.
I thought it was funny that they all covered their ears at the same time.
And there is one of Lydia about half-way through, she had seen enough,
so she made herself comfortable (laying upside down in the chair).
The kids brought their paper route money and bought their own souvenirs.
(They actually picked the three least expensive ones.)
We had a wonderful time. Thank you
Fran and Linda, we appreciate you thinking of us.