At Daniel's Open House I met a very interesting couple. They happen to be one of Daniel's bestfriend's parents. We talked for a very long time about faith, family and friends. It was an engaging conversation that could have lasted long into the evening. During our conversation we talked about books that have really opened our minds in the spiritual sense. I talked about how I truly love every single one of Donald Miller's books. I especially like "Blue Like Jazz". I just think it is healthy to investigate different ways of looking at our relationship with Christ. They talked about how they loved the book called "The Shack" by William P. Young. They said that when they were finished reading it they went out and bought a stack of them to give to their friends. It sounded intriguing, so the next day my sister, Crystal and I set out for Borders and each picked one up.
That night I had to share a bed with Crystal, something I haven't done since we were young. Before going to sleep she opened up the book and read the Forward outloud. I was hooked. I read most of the book while traveling home on Tuesday. At the airport, on the plane, in the restaurant, at the gate, on the plane again...I just couldn't put it down. I continued reading on Wednesday during Lydia's nap time and since then haven't had the opportunity to finish the last 20 pages. I will probably try to devour the last few savory words tonight. I kinda don't want to finish it because there is a little bit of a let down when you get to the end of a great book, you just don't want leave the experience, maybe that's why I have let it linger for a day or so. I have already decided to read it again when we go on vacation. The author truly has a way with words and he challenges you to look at things with a new perspective. I hope if you have some free time this summer you will find the time to give this book a chance.
What are you reading? I am always looking for something fresh and inviting to read. Let me know.
Glen informed me this afternoon, that Bobby Downes, one of the producers from the movie Glen helped with; gave him a copy of this book before we left Florida from our sabbatical. So we actually have two copies of this book. Apparently Bobby had several copies he was handing out. If you go on christiancinema.com it is actually one of only a few books they are selling on their site. I told you it was good. Anyone wanting to read it, we have an extra copy.